Use this dynamic hand splint for overcoming moderate-to-severe spasticity to help you grab objects again after stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Grasp and Release. Purposeful and meaningful activities.
The SaeboFlex allows individuals suffering from neurological impairments, such as stroke, the ability to incorporate their hand functionally in therapy and at home. These unique orthoses position the wrist and fingers into extension in preparation for object manipulation. The user is able to grasp objects by voluntarily flexing his or her fingers. Once the fingers relax (stop gripping), the extension spring system assists in re-opening the hand to release the object.
The SaeboFlex is an out-rigger style splint made from durable rigid parts used to support and assist individuals with increased tone.
The SaeboFlex is based on the latest advances in neurorehabilitation research documenting the brain’s ability to “re-program” itself through mass practice, task-oriented arm training.