Your purchase of the SaeboReJoyce hand and upper extremity rehabilitation system includes 2 virtual sessions with Saebo Clinical Support to assist with setup and installation.
Engaging and Meaningful Therapy. Task-training redefined.
The SaeboReJoyce is a hand and upper extremity rehabilitation workstation designed for orthopedic and neurological patients who exhibit impaired function of the arm and hand. The computerized task-oriented training system provides standardized upper limb exercises representing activities of daily living (ADL). The SaeboReJoyce was designed to be used in the clinic and in home-based settings.
The SaeboReJoyce is based on the latest advances in neurorehabilitation research documenting the brain’s ability to “re-program” itself through mass practice, task-oriented arm training.
Saebo’s computerized task-oriented training system involves a range of activity-based games that will test speed, endurance, coordination, range of motion, strength, timing and cognitive demand. The games are fully customizable to match the client’s therapy needs.