Luminometer for microplates SAFAS Xenius XL: outstanding sensitivity and dynamic range for bioluminescence measurements, and unique scalability... a breakthrough in luminescence measurements!
SAFAS Xenius XL is a microplate reader for luminescence measurements, featuring the highest sensitivity and dynamic range on the market, and which is the only luminometer on the market which is able to be validated on certified and connected standards: a real breakthrough for laboratories involved in Quality Management! It features outstanding sensitivity, and including a very ultra-high speed photon counting photomultiplier (up to 140 Mcps) with single photon counting capability, and very low cross-talking (around 10-6). Measurements of bioluminescence are directly achieved by this luminometer without fiber optics (100% air technology), for maximum energy throughput. It can be fitted with up to 15 injectors, auto-priming and auto-washing, with 2 stainless steel/teflon needles in measurement position. A spectrum of bioluminescence can even be drawn by this luminometer up to 1000nm (option). The Xenius XL luminometer is scalable and for example, can be fitted furtherly with a monochromator for Absorbance, a second monochromator for Fluorescence, a cuvette holder for 10 cuvettes, polarizers, etc...
A scalable LUMINOMETER with outstanding performances
SAFAS Xenius XL is a microplate luminometer with exceptional performances and scalability. Based on innovative technologies and superb optics, it is fitted with a 100% AIR technology (no fiber optics) and includes a very high sensitivity photon counting photomultiplier, able to count from single photon discrimination up to 140 Mcps.