Analyze up to 96 samples simultaneously - Perform your quantitation or binding experiments with unmatched speed. Quantitate a full 96-well plate of IgGs in two minutes.
Perform a 32 x 32 epitope binning campaign in less than eight hours - Use in-tandem, sandwich, or pre-mix assay formats to perform epitope binning. Analyze samples directly from supernatants or lysates. Complete a 32 x 32 epitope binning assay in less than eight hours.
Streamline workflows with automation – Automation-ready and robot-compatible for microplate and biosensor tray loading for extending walk-away times and reducing operator input.
From IgG titer to epitope binning, the Octet® RH96 instrument offers label-free molecular interaction analysts with state-of-the-art high throughput platforms that facilitate the rapid characterization and development of biologics drug molecules.
Simultaneously reads 8, 16, 32, 48 or 96 wells
The Octet® RH96 instrument read head provides design flexibility that allows users to analyze, 8, 16, 32, 48, or 96 samples at a time allowing for customized throughput up to 96 samples.
Full plate off-rate ranking in minutes, not hours
The Dip and Read assay format allows off-rate analysis of clones to be performed rapidly, even in crude samples using ready-to-use biosensors off the shelf.
96-well plate quantitation in as little as two minutes
IgG titer determination of a full 96-well plate can be completed in two minutes. In addition, sample plate compartment is compatible with 384-well plates allowing for greater sample throughput.