An accurate and efficient donor service management software solution, SCC's SoftDonor has many robust features - including user-defined test algorithms, automatic deferral generation, and safety management alerts for any deviations. SoftDonor helps users manage donor eligibility and component inventory, and allows knowledgeable users to efficiently conduct and safely manage daily donor facility tasks, including: donor visits, component production, donor testing, inventory control, and inventory distribution critical to ensuring a safe blood supply.
Sophisticated donor testing algorithms can be defined to defer donors, set donor notifications, quarantine or discard associated units, and set donor monitoring based on specific test events. Component Recall is based on donor testing or lot numbers. SoftDonor assists in producing a safe blood supply from eligible donors.
As part of SCC's complete blood management software solution, SoftDonor ensures complete documentation throughout the donation process. All significant steps are documented online. Any deviations from defined procedures are documented for management review and may be controlled by supervisory override.
On donor testing, SoftDonor allows interfacing with instruments or reference laboratories to accept test results or final interpretations. SoftDonor can handle all aspects of the Transfusion Transmitted Viral (TTV) testing from the ordering of required repeat tests to confirmatory tests. Define test algorithms to defer donors, format donor notification letters, quarantine or discard associated components, and set donor monitoring characteristics.