The SCHMIDT + HAENSCH VariPol is the newest and fastest generation of precision polarimetry. It is especially designed for pharmaceutic applications, but it can be adapted to further uses. Its unrivaled precision in measurement is paired with modularity, flexibility, and rapidity. State-of-the-art connectivity allows for seamless integration into your extended network of devices and permits monitoring your measuring results using our Aqusys Software on your phone or tablet.
Basic Polarimeter especially designed for pharmaceutical applications – 21 CFR part 11 ready
Modular configuration
Multi-user concept and remote control via internet browser
Rapid measuring
Peltier system for automatic temperature control
Easy to calibrate
Constant precision over the whole measuring range, space saving
Energy saving durable LEDs
ELN; LIMS ready
Easy in Use
Our sample tubes’ tension-free design allows fast cleaning and permits exchange of cover glasses without birefringence. The seamless sample chamber has no dead space allowing fast rinsing without deposits. The rotatable sample tubes and quartz standards allow you to check quickly and easily their cleanliness and correct performance. The instrument, as well as tubes, quartz plates, and accessories are all made in Germany to ensure the quality and performance you are expecting from SCHMIDT + HAENSCH. Together with a gear-free polarization detection you have the constant SCHMIDT + HAENSCH precision over the whole measurement range.