Position many probes in your in vivo sample to acquire more data points
This compact ultra-smooth, stereotaxic micromanipulator enables you to precisely position a greater number of probes in your sample. Designed for all multielectrode recording systems (such as Neuropixels probes), in vivo patch clamp electrophysiology, and microinjection.
The IVM Mini Single enables you to carry out long, reliable experiments. It is simple to add to existing set-ups where you require healthy samples and greater control.
Product benefits
More Data
Acquire more data points by mounting a greater number of these compact micromanipulators around your sample.
Maximises tissue health
Ensure healthy tissue by smoothly inserting the probe. The unique 'creeper' function enables you to precisely control the speed and position of your probe - reducing tissue damage and improving data.
Investigate deep within your sample
The 20mm range of travel means you have ultimate freedom to position anywhere within your sample.
Compatible with most multielectrode headstages
The IVM Mini Single is suitable for all major multielectrode headstages – including Neuropixels and Atlas.
Maximise sample comfort and attention
The extremely low audible noise of the IVM Mini Single, when in motion or at rest, means your sensitive sample will not be disturbed by audible sounds.
Compatible with most stereotaxic frames
This micromanipulator is compatible with many stereotaxic frames, giving you fiexibility with your choice of experimental setup.
Great resolution
The IVM Mini Single has 20 nm resolution for absolute positioning.