For labs that need fast results, LibraryView Software is a user-friendly tool for managing both nominal and accurate mass LC/MS/MS spectral data. With the flexibility for users to create libraries or take advantage of available SCIEX libraries, the LibraryView Software provides a simplified solution to improve advanced LC/MS/MS results. It is used in conjunction with PeakView® Software/ MasterView™ Software and SCIEX OS Software.
Customize your own libraries for faster library searching
Create dynamic libraries for more robust searches
Review data interactively
Export libraries for easy transfer across multiple instruments
Support for Windows 7, 32-bit
Be confident in identified positives — create and edit spectral libraries under multiple analysis conditions (even different matrix conditions), improvising search confidence
Faster data review with interactive functionality that streamlines the process within a few clicks!
Maximize the benefits from your SCIEX QTRAP® and TripleTOF® systems, which helps labs turn out results faster for routine contaminant screening