Leishmaniosis is a zoonosis that spreads across the tropics, subtropics, southern Europe as well as the Mediterranean and is transmitted by female sandflies (Phlebotomidae). Leishmaniosis has even a noteworthy meaning in far northern areas as a travel or an imported disease. Due to an incubation period ranging from months to years dogs of all ages can be infected. The disease can proceed symptomatically, sub clinically or latently; clinical symptoms are (ordered by decreasing frequency): lymphadenopathy, skin reactions, cachexia, hyperthermia, conjunctivitis, splenomegaly, and abnormal claws. Renal failure may develop in later stages of the disease and often leads to complications. As eradication of parasites is not possible, early detection of disease and lifelong treatment of the patient is required.
trüRapid: hygienic test procedure
trüRapid: easy test interpretation
trüRapid: long shelf life
trüRapid: storage at room temperature
trüRapid: fast results
No need for touching of cartridge
Only control and test Lines visible
The long shelf life of the product allows you to use it whenever you want, while keeping the effectiveness intact.
The storage température at + 15 / +30 0 reduces the need for storage space in the refrigerator.