ClearSense is a device that is designed to effectively treat various nail and skin conditions. When it comes to problems such as nail fungus, creams and ointments are not enough. They cannot penetrate the nail sufficiently enough to completely eradicate the fungus. ClearSense comes with features such as audible and visual temperature indicators, real-time feedback, and optimum laser delivery. The device gives doctors the confidence that they are using the best system available. This device provides even more benefits when it is used to extend the versatility of the JOULE platform.
Laser Treatments :
Laser energy offers many advantages over traditional therapies for onychomycosis. Treatments are
less frequent and they are given in the physician’s office, avoiding compliance issues with topical and
oral therapies. Potential drug interactions and renal or liver toxicity with the oral treatments are also
avoided. Preliminary evaluations have been reported for a 1064-nm and 532-nm Q-switched laser, and
a combination 870 nm/930 nm laser
. The safety and efficacy of an FDA-cleared Nd:YAG, 1064 nm
laser for the treatment of toenail fungus has been reported with favorable outcomes.