Gluten intolerance (Coeliac disease), known
as sprue in adults, is an autoimmune disorder
of the small intestine, when the immune system
attacks the body‘s own tissues. The common
symptoms of gluten intolerance include
bloating and diarrhea, caused by a reaction
to a gluten protein found in many foods. The
following symptoms could be also a sign of
gluten intolerance: weight loss, malnutrition
and skin disorders. Screen Test Celiachia is
intended as an aid in the detection of gluten
intolerance. Screen Test Celiachia as an immunochromatographic
rapid test detects the
presence of anti-tTG IgA antibodies in whole
blood. If the blood sample contains anti-tTG
IgA antibodies, these will bind with the colloidal
gold labelled anti-IgA antibodies and the
tTG (derived from the lysis of red blood cells
in the dilution buffer). tTG will then bind the
complex to the stationary protein line (test
line) forming a visible, red line. The test has
also a control system with a control line. The
test result must be confi rmed by a physician
with further recommendation to maintain
a gluten-free diet. An explanation of how
to read and interpret the test result is given
in this instruction pamphlet. Therefore, it is
important to fully understand the entire instruction
pamphlet before performing the test.