Detection and differentiation of HSV1 and HSV2
Seeplex® HSV2 ACE Detection detects and differentiates 2 Herpes simplex viruses, HSV1 and HSV2 that causes minor skin lesions to fatal diseases such as encephalitis. Because different treatments are needed depending on infected virus types, type-specific identification of HSV causing the infection is required. Based on DPO™ Technology, this assay enables differentiate 2 types of HSV with high sensitivity and specificity.
Multiplex PCR
Differentiation of HSV1 and HSV2 with a single reaction
Powerful performance with unique technology
Multiplex PCR with high sensitivity and specificity by utilization of DPO™ technologies
Informative assay
Assistant of appropriate treatment and management for co-infection
Validated process control
Accurate system for result interpretation included Internal Control
Reduction Contamination risk
A single round PCR process and 8-MOP reduces the carryover contamination risk