ChromSpace provides streamlined qualitative and quantitative analysis of 1D and 2D GC(-MS) data, with optional modules for alignment and powerful chemometrics, all in a single, intuitive user interface.
When coupled with BenchTOF2 time-of-flight mass spectrometers, ChromSpace also offers seamless integration of instrument control and novel tools to streamline Tandem Ionisation workflows.
Intuitive processing of GC(–MS) data for a range of file types (including .lsc, .d, .raw, .rsd and .cdf).
Easy-to-learn workflows with fast method creation and batch processing, quantitation, and reporting/exporting.
Fast data navigation with customisable, dynamically-linked charts, tables and spectra.
Automated background subtraction of interferences, and uncovering of ‘hidden’ compounds with easy-to-use deconvolution.
Time-saving features such as one-click library hits and saved EIC sets.
Fast screening for compounds (or classes) of interest using the Compound Explorer toolkit.
Automatically align chromatograms and find significant differences between samples by
adding ChromCompare+ chemometrics module.
All of the powerful tools of ChromSpace 1D but with extended compatibility for GC×GC(-MS) data.
Fast group-type analysis with easy-to-use stencils and reporting.
Multiple GC×GC chromatograms can be viewed in a single window.
Flexible options for peak merging, with simple review of peak integration.
Interactive 3D surface charts can be overlaid, stacked and inverted.
Network licensing to easily unify lab processing.
Robust alignment of the raw data for simpler and more confident comparison.