Sercon have developed, in close collaboration with Thermalox, a hyphenated TOC-IRMS system. The Thermalox TOC uses a combustion technique, which is superior to the persulphate oxidation method in that water samples containing high humic material can be analysed. The TOC is connected to the Sercon HS2022 via a modified version of the Cryoprep, which has been optimised for TOC hyphenation. The system is capable of measuring small (sub 1ml) sample volumes and analysing DOC concentrations from 0.5 to 10ppm at levels of high precision (typically 0.1‰ for 13CO2 determinations).
Catalytic thermal oxidation. The only way to measure ‘real’ samples containing particulate or difficult to oxidise materials
Standard Deviation better than 20ppb on low level carbon
Upper Range Limit greater than 50,000ppm for TOC
Detection Limit of better than 40ppb for TOC and 10ppb for TNb
Analysis time less than two minutes per replicate
Complete recovery, including Suspended Solid fraction
Handles salts and particulate easily
Holds up to 88 samples
Complete washing between samples ensures no carry over
Totally software driven from a Windows™ based platform
Automatic preparation of calibration standards