Through the bionic technology, the real movement traiectory of the upper limb is restored. Through the remote control, the eauipment can drive the patient to complete the dificult training in the three-dimensional space, and has the functions of automatic identifcation, recording, analvsis and evaluation. it can stimulate neural pathway reconstruction, improve upper limb motor control, and establish correct upper limb motor patterns.
Clinical treatment effect:
• Recovery, enhance upper limb muscle strength, restore joint range of motion
• Overcome the conséquences of lack of exercise: such as blood circulation problems, joint stiffness, muscle contractures, digestive problems, défécation problems, osteoporosis, etc., prévention of bedsores and venous thrombosis, and promote smooth urine and feces
• Enhance patient confidence and independence and quality of life by helping patients regain upper limb mobility
• Instead of labor, save time and cost.
scope of application:
• Upper limb functional réhabilitation of neurological diseases: spinal cord injury, cérébral stroke, and brain trauma
• Pain relief and improvement of movement disorders in bone and joint diseases: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and after orthopédie surgery
• Exercise réhabilitation in the elderly or in the permanently bedridden patients
functional characteristics:
• Objective évaluation, record the patient's range of motion, and conduct more professional and targeted training
• Distal drive, which increases the stimulation of the distal joints through the terminal drive,
realizes a wider range of joint motion and thus realizes three-dimensional spatial motion training.