In addition to the oasic hospital bed functions, the electric rehablitation training bed has a bed anale adlustment tunction tohelp patients adapt to their body positions and lay a good foundation for independent standing and balance maintenancein the future. The bed heioht can be adiusted throuoh a stable lifting device to faclitate patient transfer. The stable standincdevice allows the bed anole to be adiusted to any position and fixed. The angles of the back bed board, thioh bed boardand calf bed board are electrically adiustable, which is convenient for paients to conduct rehabilitation training in varousparts of the body, The head and foot frames of the bed are detachable to faclitate patient activities.
In addition to the basic hospital bed functions, the electric réhabilitation training bed has a bed angle adjustment function to help patients adapt to their body positions and lay a good foundation for independent standing and balance maintenance in the future. The bed height can be adjusted through a stable lifting device to facilitate patient transfer. The stable standing device allows the bed angle to be adjusted to any position and fixed. The angles of the back bed board, thigh bed board, and calf bed board are electrically adjustable, which is convenient for patients to conduct réhabilitation training in various parts of the body. The head and foot frames of the bed are détachable to facilitate patient activities. The adjustable bed surface consists of a back board, a seat board, a thigh board, and a calf board. The height and angle of each bed surface can be adjusted independently through an electric control device.