Based on the principle of neural remodeling, combined with siting, standing and walking, it can realize the functions oflanding walking and standing in situ (one leg, and two legs). The mechanical leg can drive patients to complete a largenumber ot repeated physiological galt training, enhance muscle strength, and restore joint motion. in addition, a handcontroler can be added for paients to start and turn by themselves, and restore the proprioception during waking to agreater extent.
scope of application:
• Postoperative patient group: patients in cardiology, orthopedics, neurology, obstetrics, such as postoperative respiratory insufficiency caused by coronary artery bypass surgery, venous thromboembolism caused by thick joint replacement, etc.
• Elderly and chronic disease groups: including physical function disability, organ dysfunction and physiological / pathological aging, such as chronic cardiopulmonary disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, malnutrition, activity restriction
caused by Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease, cognitive impairment, falls and gait disorders, etc.
• Neurorehabilitation patients: stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury and other neurological diseases
Clinical treatment effect:
• Exercise to restore lower limb muscle strength: eliminate muscle tension and reduce muscle spasm
• Improve joint motion and prevent joint stiffness:
• Overcome the conséquences caused by the lack of exercise: such as blood circulation problems, joint stiffness, muscle contractures, digestive problems, défécation problems, osteoporosis, lower limb edema, etc., prevent bedsore and venous thrombosis, promote large, smooth urination