Dynamic and static balance evaluation and training system, integrating standing, siting, trunk balance assessment and training. The static balance assessment captures and analyzes the traiectory of the patient's center of garavity, i.e., the center of gravity trajectory diagram. The dynamic balance assessment records the changes in the patient's inclination angle on theforce plate to assess their balance function. Eauipped with an inteligent software system, it provides real-time feedback on the inclination angle and load value, and combines situational interaction to guide patients to actively train, and conduct assessment and training on proprioception and motor control ability.
According to the patient's condition, assessment and training of différent postures such as single-leg, double-leg, standing, sitting, etc. can be carried out, with real-time feedback of tilt angle and weight value. Combined with situational interaction, the patient can be guided to actively train, and proprioception and motor control ability can be assessed and trained to
slowly restore balance.
1. Nervous System diseases: limb paralysis caused by cerebrovascular accident, brain trauma, brain tumor, brain inflammation, cérébral palsy, Parkinson's disease, paraplegia after spinal cord injury due to various reasons, multiple sclerosis, lower limb muscle weakness caused by peripheral nerve injury.
2. Bone and joint diseases and sports trauma recovery period: early lower limb weight-bearing training after lower limb joint replacement, functional recovery training after bone and joint disease surgery, training to relieve pain and promote functional recovery of bone