The patients can undergo training in supine and sitting positions. For example, patients with paraplegia,hemiplegia or other limb movement disorders can do training such as turning over in bed, sitting up, moving left and right and forward and backward, crawling, and transferring between bed and wheelchair.
Scope of application:
For use in various clinical wards to carry and care for patients. Mainly used to treat patients
who have been bedridden for a long time due to weakened physical fitness, insufficient
active movement of paralyzed limbs and abnormal muscle tension, which can cause vari-
ous complications such as systemic muscle atrophy, joint stiffness and postural hypoten-
sion. It can help patients reduce the occurrence of various complications, maintain the max-
imum load on the spine, pelvis and lower limbs, and is an effective means to promote the
functional recovery of patients.
• Comprehensive basic movement training, lying and sitting training. It is used for patients
with paraplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, cérébral palsy, rheumatoid arthritis and other limb
mobility problems. They can move forward and backward, turn over, sit up, and move in a
prone position on the training table. They can also train transfer movements from wheel-
chairs to beds.
• Balance training. Balance training can be performed in sitting and hand-knee positions.
• Training assistance. Patients can be trained with bare hands on the training table. The
training table can be used in conjunction with a suspension frame.
• An appliance for patients to do bed activities, and the height of the bed can be adjusted.