EMS"Electrical Muscle Stimulation" is an internationally accepted and proven way of treating muscular injuries. It works by sending electronic pulsesto the muscle needing treatment; this causes the muscle to exercise passively.When the muscle receives this signal, it contracts as if the brain has sent the signal itself. As the signal strength increases, the muscle flexes as in physical exercise. Then when the pulse ceases, the muscle relaxes and the cycle starts over again, (Stimulation, Contraction and
SHOCKWAVE is aimed at the affected areas that are the source of chronic pain. The influence of the shockwaves causes to the dissolution ofcalcium deposits and leads to better vascularization. The after-effect is relief from the pain
1. By the targeted application of the shockwaves, stress to the surrounding tissues is quite insignificant
2. The body not burdened by pharmaceuticals, except the short-term effect of local anesthesia if used
3. Pain Treatment Rehabilitation physiotherapy
4. Muscle growth strength training post-exercise recovery
5. Decrease abdominal and body fat