Product principle
The lower limb rehabilitation training system can adjust the angle of the device, so that the patient can performpassive stepping motions of the lower limbs during standing training. By adjusting the servomotor, it can preciselycontrol and correct the stepping angle and speed of the leg. During the training, the motor is flexibly accelerated anddecelerated to simulate the stepping habits of normal people, so that the patient can move more smoothly. Duringthe training, the patient's leg output is collected in real time, and the patient's spasms are monitored in coordinationwith game training through the set spasm sensitivity at any time for timely spasm protection.
It is suitable for the rehabilitation treatment of lower limb dysfunction during the recovery period of cerebral stroke.It is suitable for the rehabilitation stage after treatment; its target users are medical and nursing staf of medicalinstitutions: they need to read the instruction manual before operating the product; the product is reusable, and is notintended to be used with any other device.
Target groups
target patients-adults;patient selection criteria-cerebral stroke (cerebralinfarction, cerebral hemorrhage) lower limbdysfunction patients at the recovery stage whoneed rehabilitation, patient feelings during useshould be considered
Product features
1. upright angle of the bed
2. pressure range
3. spasm protection
4. step angle: 0-25°
5. Leg length adjustment
6. active/passive training