Fully automated sample receiving, information recording sorting, storing, uncapping and racking, realize the whole process of automated sample pre-processing, reduce manual operations, and increase the accuracy and timeliness of
sample receiving.
Key Functions
Fully outomated sample receiving, information recording, sorting. storing. uncapping and racking. realize the whole process of automated sample pre-processing, reduce manual opérations, and increase the accuracy and timeliness of sample receiving.
Product Module Features
Precise and intelligent
• Three-dimensional. 360-degree sdmple barcode scanning system to ensure the accuracy of information record
• Automatic screening of sample types and identification of barcode damage, bar code missing and special samples
Flexible arrangements
• Intelligent reservation function. support starting the test at any time without
manual intervention.
• Connected to the sample storage module, the sample to be tested can be refrigorated storage
Easy operation
• Full rack loading and transfer
• Intelligent Face. Fingerprint, ID Card recognition system
Information traceability
• Allows for paper or electronic sample receipt records for traceability
• All sample receipt records are stored in the mainframe and are readily accessible
Efficient processing
• Dual robotic arms for more efficient delivery
Scientific pollution prevention
• Supports singlo tost or poolod samplos as a group and transforred directly to the sample extraction module. Provents large number of samples from being cxposcd at tho same time and avoids cross-contamination.
• Fquipped with a UV sterilisation system to effectively prevent contamination