To enhance lung ventilation
To strengthen postoperative complications
To prevent pulmonary atelectasis
To improve the ability of independent coughing
To help clear sputum
Respiratory muscle strength training and autonomic sputum excretion for patients with
respiratory diseases and users who need to improve their exercise tolerance
Improvement of respiratory muscle strength and lung function in
perioperative period of thoracic and abdominal surgery
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in various stages
Bronchiectasis in stable stage of bronchial asthma
Primary and secondary pulmonary fibrosis
Lung cancer (rehabilitation after lung cancer surgery)
Patients after thoracoabdominal surgery
Secondary respiratory disorder caused by other reasons
Patients with adolescent pneumonia or lung dysplasia
Long-term bedridden patients
Stroke patients
Congestive heart failure
Parkinson's syndrome
Muscular dystrophy
Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Abnormal vocal cords
Spine injury
Sleep disorder
Fitness population
Teenagers with substandard lung function in physical fitness test
Post-natal rehabilitation
Chronic low back pain