The free fall impactor is a contusion device specially designed for animal medical research. It simulates the force when an animal’s head is hit by displaced bone or soft tissue from the three-dimensional directions of the X, Y, and Z axes. The device establishes an efficient and reproducible animal brain injury model and provides experimental support for disease prevention and treatment.
Product Features
Suitable for: mice, rats
With an automatic lifting mechanism, after the impact, the striking head can be automatically raised to avoid secondary impact
The time from the start of automatic impact to the lifting of the impact head can be set
With touch screen controller, automatically control the electromagnet to release the impact head
Simple structure and easy operation
Equipped with a brain fixer to achieve three-dimensional positioning, the whole can be sterilized by high temperature and high pressure
Strike height adjustable
Technical Parameters
· Hammer specification: 10g (mouse), 40g (rat)
· Diameter of hitting head: 1.5mm (mouse), 3mm (rat)