The animal treadmill is controlled by a 7-inch touch screen. It can be set to be powered on or off, the current size of the electrical stimulation can be adjusted, the corresponding channel can be shielded, and the number of electric shocks or the preset electric shock time can be preset to determine whether the small animal has been stressed.
Product Description
With the deepening of animal hypoxic training research, researchers have found that hypoxic training is not only used in sports training to improve athletic ability but also has a great effect on fitness and disease treatment. At present, there have been research reports on the treatment of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, anemia, and other diseases with hypoxic exercise. The animal hypoxic treadmill experimental system developed by Tow-Int Technology provides a special hypoxic environment for animal training and running experiments and can realize constant control and regulation of oxygen concentration. It can be used to simulate the physiological hypoxic state in the organism so that the in vitro research results are closer to the real level in the body, or it can be used to simulate the pathological state of the organism in special hypoxia to research related mechanisms and diseases.
Hypoxic training has two loads on the human body: the hypoxic load caused by the exercise itself and the stimulation of environmental hypoxia.