The CO2 laser offers a very large range of dermatological indications, the beam was delivered via an articulated arm and a hand-piece, enable the surgeon to direct the beam to a precise area.
■ For medical applications, TEMOO mode is the best choice, wherein the beam has Gaussian (bell-like) transversal power distribution, ensuring a minimal spot size, and thus, maximal power density on tissue, with great precision for procedures involving incision, excision, vaporization and coagulation.
■ As an alternative treatment of the traditional surgery (surgical knife), CO2 laser produces higher power with relative efficiency and provide more precise incision, less tissue trauma and edma, which lead to much short time for healing
■ The residual thermal damage deposited by the CO2 laser beam helps to ensure a dry field, limits blood loss and swiftly induces the wound healing and remodeling process.
The CO2 Laser is not invasive device and intended to be used for:
» Coagulation,
» vaporization,
» ablation or cutting of soft tissue,
» which is widely used in Dermatology.
» Plastic Surgery, General surgery,
» ENT. Gynecology, etc.