ET100 as an advanced automatic operating table, it can meet various requirement of operations. Tabletop is X-ray available. Extremely low tabletop , especially suitable for cerebral surgery. Engineered for increasingly complex surgical scenes. ET100 comes with intelligent automatic control system satisfying various demands of general surgeries. Detachable head plate ensure the table can be use with the head stock.
1. 510mm minimum and 810mm maximum heights for comfortable working,both seated and standing.
2. Memory pad with antistatic, waterproof design.
3. Optional battery power for 50-80 operationa.
Detailed Technical Parameter
Eleevation range(mm) - ≥290
Reverse Trendelenburg - ≥25°
Trendelenburg - ≥25°
Lateral Tilt(Left&Right) - ≥20°
Kidney Bridge Up - 100mm
Back Plate(Up) - ≥80°
Back Plate(Down) - ≥20°
Head Plate(Up) - ≥40°
Head Plate(Down) - ≥90°
Leg Plate(Manual Up) - ≥15°
Leg Plate(manual Down) - ≥90°
Leg Plate(manual Outward) - ≥90°