This test kit is used toclinical in vitrodetection ofMyoglobin (Mb)concentration inhuman blood quantitatively.
4. Clinical significance
Myoglobin (Mb) is an oxygen-binding hemoglobin, a molecular weight of 17800 Daltons, mainly distributed in cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue, the oxygen storage pigment is essential for high levels of oxidative phosphorylation. It is located in the cytoplasm, or about 2 percent of total muscle protein. In acute myocardial injury, Mb is released into the blood. Symptoms appear in about 2 to 3 hours, blood Mb exceeds the upper limit of normal, 9 to 12 hours to reach the peak, 24 to 36 hours return to normal. Recommendations for patients with suspected ACS continuous sampling measurement. Mb clinical utility in the diagnosis and monitoring of AIC has been a lot of reports in the literature. Mb negative help eliminate myocardial infarction.
5. Principle
This test kit use double antibody sandwich method, to detect Myoglobin (Mb) level in sample. The purified
Mb coated on NC membrane. When testing, put sample into buffer and mix it evenly,there isfluorescein labeled Mb antibody in buffer. If there is Mb antibody in sample, it can combine with fluorescein labeled Mb antibody in buffer, form a complex, affected by chromatography, it reacts with coated Mb antibody when coming to the place which coated Mb antibody. If no Mb antibody in sample, then no reaction. When the reaction over, put the test card into Fluorescence Spectrometer, calculate the Mb antibody concentration by the strength of the fluorescence signal.
Note: Shake the bottle to even before use, do not mix use the reagents from different lot no.