6 Advanced Technologies
Innovative Infusion Therapy
The AniFM Infusion/Syringe Pumps revolutionize the functionality and versatility of infusion/syringe pumps,with smooth delivery, accuracy and efficient infusion for animals.
Precise Infusion for Animals
Suspension System
Clever design to ensure accurate and stable infusionunder different conditions.
The suspension floating pump maintains the infusionaccuracy at ≤±4.5%, addressing the decrease in accuracycaused by prolonged infusion or variations inconsumables specifications.
Certified Blood Transfusion
Careful optimization to reduce red blood cell lysis.
The suspension floating pump exerts even force on theinfusion line, which can protect blood cells* andsignificantly mitigates the incidence of accidents such ashyperkalemia, acute kidney injury, and thrombosisarising from blood cell damage.
Intelligent Operation for Veterinarians
Rotating Mounting Cube
Unique design to mount the pump at anytime,anywhere, and in any way.
By a simple press of a button on rotating cube behindthe pump, AniFM 3 series can be easily mounted oncages or fasten horizontally/vertically on poles.
Automatic Brake
Instant stop to eliminate the possibility ofaccidental delivery.
Higher safety is ensured for the infusion processby preventing accidental bolus that may occur dueto unintended drops of the infusion pump orexternal forces.
Dynamic Pressure System (DPS)
Clear presentation of data on a dashboard forpre-alarming of occlusion pressure.
The speedometer-style dynamic dashboard providespre-alarms of changes in infusion tube pressure,intelligent troubleshooting, and automatic restarts.