This 32 wire Multi coax cable is composed of 16x 50ohm coaxial cable RG 178 and 16x 26AWG wire.
This type of cable is commonly used in MRI coils for medical equipment. MRI coils are vital components in MRI scans, generating and receiving radio frequency signals to capture detailed images of the human body. The 32 wires within the coil are designed for signal transmission and reception, including 50ohm RG 178 coaxial cables and 26AWG wires. Therefore, this cable is likely used in coils within MRI devices to support high-quality image acquisition and signal transmission.
Key Features and Challenges of this design:
Multiple wire configuration: This cable utilizes a configuration of 32 wires, including 16 50ohm RG 178 coaxial cables and 16 26AWG wires. This design supports complex signal transmission and reception requirements.
High-frequency applications: MRI coils operate within a higher frequency range, requiring special attention to signal transmission quality and stability. The use of 50ohm RG 178 coaxial cables ensures excellent impedance matching and signal transmission performance.
Wire selection: The use of 26AWG wires provides sufficient conductivity and flexibility to meet the demands of high-frequency applications. Additionally, cable selection must consider the loss and interference issues associated with high-frequency signals.
Due to the involvement of high-frequency, complex signal transmission, and management of multiple cables, the design and manufacturing process may present certain difficulties. Ensuring proper connection, adequate impedance matching, and high signal quality for each wire requires careful process control and testing.