Supported by the world's leading technology, MSI C2010PA offers multi-model ocular health evaluations and has become a must-have instrument for optometric and ophthalmological practice.
Features: Relative Peripheral Refractive Error (RPRE) Measurement
Continuing the legacy of the Multispectral Refraction Topography (MRT) technology, MSI C2010PA provides RPRE results to evaluate the retinal defocus profile with proven accuracy and repeatability.
Specifications for MRT Features:
Field of View: 53°
Minimum Pupil Size: 3.5mm
Image Pixel: 1000 × 1000
Image Format:JPEG
Power Range: -15D ~ +15D
Illumination Light: LED
Focusing: Auto/Manual
Reports: Topography-A, Topography-B, Relative-R, Mean-R, Vision Simulation, Defocus Schematic, Defocusing Curve, MRT Parameter
Features: Multispectral Fundus Examination
Using advanced Multispectral Fundus Imaging(MSI) technology, different levels of fundus image information are collected through a variety of spectra to detect early signs of retinal pathology from shallow to deep, presenting details that are impossible to be captured by ordinary fundus cameras.
Single Spectrum Highlights Lesions
Layered Fundus Exploration,
Deep Choroidal Exploration.
Multi-dimensional Differential Diagnosis.
Specifications for MSI Features:
Output Image: Green to NIR
Illumination Light Spectrum: 488nm ~ 940nm(Peak Wavelength)
Field of View: 63°
Minimum Pupil Size: 3.5mm
Image Pixel: 4096 × 4096
Image Format:JPEG, DICOM
Power Range: -15D ~ +15D
Illumination Light: LED
Focusing: Auto/Manual
Reports: Monochrome Wavelength Image, Color Image