This RT PCR detection reagent kit for 2019-nCov, Influ A & B is used for in vitro qualitative detection of 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Influenza A and B in respiratory specimens including oropharyngeal swabs and sputum. Primer set and FAM labeled probe are designed for specific detection of ORFlab gene of 2019-nCoV, VIC labeled for human RNase P gene as internal control, ROX labeled for M gene of Influenza A, CY5 labeled NP gene of Influenza B.
The RT PCR test reagent kit for 2019-nCov, Influ A & B, is a one -tube Multiplex PCR reaction for identification and detection of COVID-19, influenza A and B. Regarding to this real-time PCR detection kit , its Primer and Probe mix based on multi-target gene design the confirmatory gene ORF 1ab gene for the detection of 2019 novel coronavirus, and influenza A and B in human sample.
The Real-time PCR test reagent kit for 2019-nCov, Influenza A & Influenza B is highly compatible with Open ended RT PCR instruments with FAM, HEX/VIC, RED/ROX , and CY5 channels. Shenzhen Uni-medica RT-PCR Kit is compatible with popular Molarray MA-6000, ABI 7500, ViiATM 7, QuantStudio 5, QuantStudio 6/7 pro, QuantStudio 6/7 flex, Agilent Mx3000P/3005P, Rotor-GeneTM 6000/Q, Bio-Rad CFX96 TouchTM/iQTM 5,Hongshi SLAN-96S/96P, Roche Light Cycler 480, Molarray MA-1630Q, AGS8830, AGS4800 and other PCR instruments with FAM, HEX/VIC, RED/ROX , and CY5 channel.