All-digital Ultrasound Diagnostic System
For clinical ultrasonography of abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, organelle, small organ, superficial organs, urology, cavity, cardiology and cardiovascular.
Scanning Model
Electronic Linear Array, Electronic Convex Array
Probe Connector
Image Storage
≥64 frames; external U Disk
Display Depth
250mm (maximum)
Image Adjustment
Black/White, Left/Right, Up/Down, Brightness, Scanning Line Density, Dynamic
Range, Focus Number, Focus Distance, Focus Position, Frame Correlation, M
Speed and Sound Power
Image Processing
Image Smoothing/Sharpening, tissue harmonic, Gamma Correction, Histogram
and Pseudo-color
Distance, Perimeter, Area, Volume, Heart, GA, EDD, FW
Automatically generate abdomen, urology, obstetrics and cardiac reports.
WED-180 adopts multiple technologies such as micro-computer control and digital scan converter (DSC), digital beam-forming (DBF), real time dynamic aperture (RDA), real time dynamic receiving apodization(DRA), real time Dynamic
receiving focusing (DRF), Digital frequency Scan (DFS) which can display a high quality, stable and high resolution image.
The external Video printer and external monitor display can be realized with the PAL-D Video output port. All the ultrasound
images can download to PC with high speed USB 2.0 port. Various image processing software packages are available.