Full-Digital Diagnostic Color Doppler System
For clinical diagnosis of abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, cardiology, small organs, superficial blood vessels, musculoskeletal, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, urology, neurosurgery and other specialist clinics.
FDC8100 is a newly developed Color Doppler Diagnostic System of WELLD with completely independent intellectual property
rights.Characterizing worldadvanced technology, modern ergonomic design, stellar image quality, high blood sensitivity and
extensive probe adaptation capability, it can meet varies needs of clinical diagnosis of abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology,
cardiology, small organs, superficial blood vessels, musculoskeletal, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, urology, neurosurgery
and other specialist clinics.
Leading ultrasound imaging technology
1. World-advanced ultrasound platform and architecture
An 8-core DSP processor and a front-end ultrasound chip with the latest generation of "digital demodulator" is adopted,
providing powerful computing capability, high integration, low power consumption as well as seamless upgrade which
supports elastography.
2. Sparse transmit & multi-beam parallel processing technology
Plane-wave transmitting as well as 16-beam parallel receiving and processing improve the frame rate of image and blood
sensitivity in B + C and B + C + D modes, achieving triplex display.
3. Pulse inversion harmonic imaging technology
Superior to traditional tissue harmonic imaging technology, pulse inversion harmonic imaging technology is applied to suppress
side lobes and improve contrast resolution of the tissue with counteracted fundamental and enhanced harmonic.