Palmsize Full-digital Ultrasound Diagnostic System
For clinical ultrasonography of liver, gallbladder, renal, pancreatic, bladder, uterus and accessory, pregnancy.
Scanning Model
Mechanical Sector Scanning
Display Mode
Distance, Perimeter, Area, Volume, HR, GA, EDD, FW.
Battery Capacity
Image Processing
Smoothing, Pseudo-color and Histogram
Image Storage
≥128 frames
Name, Age, Gender, Date, Time, Hospital, Langu age, Full-screen
character editing
· Probe: width frequency conversion; unique waterproof design; it can be applied to severe environments.
· Working Mode: Combined power supply mode of AC adapter and built-in Li-ion chargeable battery, 3 battery charging
modes and the specialized brownout mode enables more lasting battery operation.·
· Technology: WED-2000A adopts technologies such as microcomputer control and digital scanning converter (DSC), large
dynamic broadband low-noise preamplifier, logarithmic compression, dynamic filtration, edge enhancement etc. to ensure
legible, stable and high resolution images