Physical Therapy Robotic Gloves with EMG Biofeedback
EMG Biofeedback
Pneumatic Gloves
Mirror Therapy
6 Training Modes
Core technology
Innovative Mirror Therapy
The unaffected hand drives the affected hand to do action synchronously, activates the mirror neurons, copies the unaffected hand motor neural pathway to the affected hand, promotes the autonomic recovery of the brain and speeds up the rehabilitation of the hand function.
How does the EMG function work?
•The EMG Armband monitors the EMG signal from the unaffected or involved upper
limb. This triggers the robotic glove to initiate movement.
•This type of active learning:
-Enhances patients motor function
-Promotes optimal learning
-Prevents muscle atrophy
•The EMG armband on the affected upper limb to measure increases in muscle activity
and progression of patient's recovery.
The Newest Rehab tool for the hand
•A hand rehabilitation device that combines EMG electromyographic feedback via an
armband and flexible pneumatic robotic glove.
•Uses a flexible comfortable air-activated system.
•Multiple preset training programs for passive, active, and resistive training and a mirror
training component.
•Specific programs for full hand movements, finger tip touch training and single finger
training, to promote gross and fine motor skills.
•Improves motor function, decreases muscle atrophy, and improves range of motion.