The latest second-generation Hand rehab System shows our vision for the future of wearable medical devices.
Integrated Design
Metal Electrodes
5 Working Modes
APP Control
Intended Use
•Improve hand function
•Increase or maintain hand range of motion
•Reduce muscle spasms
•Retard muscle atrophy
•Reeducate muscles
•Increase blood circulation
sEMG monitor, display of maximum/ minimum/average value, objective and quantifiable.
Treatment Prescription
Customizable treatments for various clinical needs.
Integrated Electrodes
Wearable design, adjustable wristband, stainless-steel electrode, precise positioning, non-consumable material.
Multimedia BiofeedbackTraining
Patients control the game completely by their will (i.e., the ability to contract and control
certain muscles), making the rehabilitation fun too! It activates the functional activity of
brain cells, improves cognition, increases muscle strength, and provides endurance,
coordination and balance training for muscles.