SALD2000/2100/2200, which were popular, widely distributed models, this instrument is equipped with many new functions useful for evaluating changes (dispersion, aggregation, dissolution) in particle size distribution relative to the concentration or time. It supports a particle concentration range from 0.1 ppm to 20% and can perform a series of measurements of 200 data points at 1 second minimum intervals.
Wide applicability
Using the SALD-MS23 sampler, the measurement range is 17nm to 2500μm for wet measurement.
For example, PSL particles with a median diameter of 50nm and stainless balls with a diameter of 2mm can be measured by a single analyzer.
The system configuration can be optimized to address various uses, purposes, measurement objects,environments and conditions.
Various sample amounts (Suspension) can be selected according to measurement objects and purposes.
Sample amount for SALD-MS23 is variable: 100mL, 200mL, or 300mL.
Sample amount for batch cell SALD-BC23 is 12mL.
In the case of high-concentration sample measurement system SALD-HC23, optional indentation can be used for sample amounts ranging from 15μL to 150μL.
High sensitivity / High concentration
By enabling measurement under wide particle concentration conditions (0.1ppm to 20%), changes in particle size distribution depending on particle concentration can be evaluated.
Previously, the particle concentration of a sample had to be adjusted to meet the optimum conditions of analyzers by dilution or concentration using a centrifuge. In these cases, changes in particle size distribution, such as agglomerations or dispersions, could not be considered.