The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with world-class sensitivity and detection speeds. It boasts increased robustness and ease of use as well as Analytical Intelligence to maximize your laboratory’s output.
The Culmination of Shimadzu's Expertise in Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
- IonFocus™ unit
- Ultra-fast power supply
- UF-Qrray™Ⅱ,UF-Lens™Ⅱ
Robustness and Ease of Use
In the newly-developed IonFocus unit, the focus electrodes reduce sensitivity loss from matrix effects by expelling contaminants with greater efficiency.
Intelligent Automation Improves Workflow Efficiency
The combination of the LCMS-8060NX and the Nexera™ series UHPLC provides a system with multiple Analytical Intelligence features, improving the efficiency of your entire workflow and maximizing analytical throughput.
The Culmination of Shimadzu's Expertise in Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
IonFocus™ unit
A newly-developed ESI probe with focus electrodes introduces ions into the mass spectrometer more efficiently, while expelling contaminants to reduce noise and provide more stable data. In addition, an improved heat-assist design promotes the ionization of a wide range of compounds. (Patented technology.)
UF-Qarray™Ⅱ, UF-Lens™Ⅱ
Re-engineered ion guide improves robustness without compromising on sensitivity.
Maintenance of UF-Qarray II and UF-Lens II can be performed easily without tools.
Easy maintenance interface
The LCMS-8060NX inherits all the ease-of-maintenance of its predecessors. Both the desolvation line (DL), which introduces the sample into the vacuum, and the ESI capillary can be replaced easily and in a short time.