New users to Shimmer please visit our Consensys GSR development kit page for purchasing Shimmer3 GSR+. The development kit will contain all items required to collect GSR and PPG data with Shimmer.
The Shimmer3 GSR+ (Galvanic Skin Response) unit provides connections and preamplification for one channel of Galvanic Skin Response data acquisition (Electrodermal Resistance Measurement – EDR/Electrodermal Activity (EDA). The GSR+ unit is suitable for measuring the electrical characteristics or conductance of your skin, as well as capturing an Optical Pulse/PPG (Photoplethysmogram) signal and converting to estimate heart rate (HR), using the Shimmer ear clip or optical pulse probe.
The Galvanic Skin Response Sensor is used for realtime GSR Biofeedback. The Shimmer GSR+ sensor monitors skin conductivity between two reusable electrodes attached to two fingers of one hand caused by a stimulus the sweat glands become more active, increasing moisture on the skin and allowing the current to flow more readily by changing the balance of positive and negative ions in the secreted fluid (increasing skin conductance).
10 DoF IMU motion signals can also be captured with this unit to allow for further context if desired. All signals can be measured simultaneously and in real-time. With our ConsensysPRO software data can be streamed for live visualization, while raw data can also be logged to an SD card and accessed. ConsensysPRO is sold separately.