Infant warmer SNO is intended for adaptation of the newborns by carrying out of activities for recovery of vital functions in resuscitation departments, perinatal hospitals, ICU.
The resuscitator provides automatically controlled heating of infants by infrared radiation and urgent oxygen therapy.
Provides automatically controlled warming ebvironment and oxygen therapy for baby
Possibility to install additional equipment for:
blood transfusion
dosed introduction of medical solutions
cardiac massage
height bed selection
Visual and audible alarms security measures
Technical characteristics
Temperature adjustment range by skinsensor from 35oC to 37,9oC
Adjustment range of oxygen under the neonatal cupola 40 - 95 %
Maximum mattress inclination angle ±10o
Continuous operation time 72 hours
Maximum infrared radiation density:
in all infrared spectrum range 60 mW/cm2
in near infrared spectrum range (from 760 to 1400 nm) 10 mW/cm2