Laser Therapy is used for the relief of pain, accelerating healing, and decreasing inflammation. When the light source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimeters and get absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy-producing part of a cell. This energy fuels many positive physiological responses resulting in the restoration of normal cell morphology and function.
Laser Therapy has been successfully used to treat a broad range of medical conditions, including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgical wounds, diabetic ulcers, and dermatological conditions.
The central goal of laser therapy is to stimulate the cell to perform its natural functions but at an enhanced rate. Targeted in hemoglobin and cytochrome c oxidase, the high-power diode laser could help the respiration and then a result has a good performance therapy. In sharp contrast to “Cold lasers” which provide no feeling or sensation, high power diode laser therapy will provide a warm and soothing feeling.
Unlike many pharmacological treatments that mask pain or only address the symptoms of disease, Laser Therapy treats the underlying condition or pathology to promote healing. This means that the treatments are effective and the benefits of Laser Therapy are long-lasting.
What are the Benefits of Laser Therapy?
Treatment is painless
Highly effective for many diseases and conditions
Eliminates pain
Reduces the need for pharmaceuticals
Restores normal range of motion and physical function
Easily applied
No known adverse effects
No drug interactions