Our infrared vein finder : SIFVEIN-4.7, Vein detector, vein viewer can be widely used not only for infants, elderly, and obese patients but also for patients with different skin tones. It detect subcutaneous superficial by pantended infrared light technology, displaying vivid vein map on the surface of skin. It helps Medical staff find vein’s location and reduce needle stick attempt.
For a variety of patients
infrared vein finder : SIFVEIN-4.7 provides a significant help for patients with vascular positioning difficulties such as obesity, swollen tissue, hairy skin, dark skin, hypovolemia.. It assists medical staff to locate and find veins quickly and accurately during I.V.. and it can increase the success rate of I.V., relive Nurses’ work pressure reduce the patient’s fear and pain and improve the quality of Medical services.
Product Features
infrared vein finder : SIFVEIN-4.7 Can be used for hands, legs, head and other multiple imaging of blood vessels
Advantages of Product
Using infrared light source, No radiation damage Bone bracket capable of bending of arbitrary shape, angle Internal lithium battery, can supply power for more than 1 hours Description Characteristics of Infrared Venous Displayer
Infrared Venous Displayer type: Infrared Venous Displayer belong to class 1 type 2
Infrared Venous Displayer function: Blood vessels can be displayed on the monitor out of shape
Infrared Venous Displayer for power type: powered by the battery, network power
Infrared Venous Displayer is not anti-ordinary equipment into the liquid