Venipuncture is one of the common means of testing and treating in clinics, hositals and so on. It seems to be a very simple action, but when it comes to some patients with small veins, dark skin, excessive subcutaneous fat or severe blood loss and dehydration, it is difficult to directly observe and distinguish the veins with the naked eye, which is also a challenging task. The treatment or Rescue will be delayed if the medical staff fails to puncture or repeats the puncture.
Our Portabe Vein Finder SIFVEIN-2.4 detects subcutaneous superficial veins. By infrared light of research of development patent technology. Displaying in situ image on the surface of the skin. In order to help medical staff check vascular’s orientation and distribution. Further, the enhanced model has various colors, which can improve the clarity and identification effectively.
1/ It has a variety of user-defined functions to accommodate different ages, body types, skin tones and various operating environments:
– Dark-skin patient
– Gerontal patient
– Burn patient
– Children
2/ Sizes available:
– Full size (adults)
– 2/3 size (children)
– 1/2 size (newborns)
3/ 7 Monomochromatic modes available: it applys to different skin tones or environments.
4/ 4 Dichromatic modes available: it facilitates medical staff to detect the depth of blood vessels under the skin which is easier to operate.
Yellow: the color of inner circle indicates 0-3mm deep.
Green: the color of the outer circle indicates deeper than 3mm.