Handheld infrared vein finder SIFVEIN-4.2 is the portable version of vascular imaging navigation instruments. Further, the product adopts the design of a portable device. The SIFVEIN-4.2 Vein finder projects near-infrared (no radiation) light. Consequently, a kind of light that is absorbed by blood and reflected by surrounding tissue. Hence, this information is captured and processed, finally projected in real time directly on the surface of the skin.
Furthermore, It provides a real time accurate image of the patient’s superficial pattern on the skin of patient. The main body of the portable vein finder SIFVEIN-4.2 consists of four parts, including host part, power adapter, charger holder. However, the[tooltip_image hint=”mobile and fix support is optional” image=”https://sifsof.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Portable-Vein-Viewer-Vein-Detector-Vein-Finder-1-e1547738966725.jpg mobile fix and support are optional [/tooltip_image] for SIFVEIN-4.2. The vein finder consists of LED light source, image processing module, battery and case. The case includes function buttons and indicator lights. In addition, the products carry large capacity of Lithium battery compartment to achieve long life.
Color: 5 colors adjustable.
Brightness: 3 degree brightness adjustable.
Size: 3 kinds of image sizes.
Mode: Normal model and Enhanced mode.
Inverse: Allows clinicians to highlight the veins or the surrounding tissue.
Light type: Near-infrared light.
Infrared wavelengths: 850 nm.
Image resolution: 720*480.
Visible Vein Size: ≥1mm.
Accuracy: 0.25mm.
Depth of Visible Vein: ≤12mm.
Best projection distance: 200±20mm.