- Works on iOS or Android (Tablet or Smartphone).
- Built-in and replaceable battery.
- Advanced digital imaging technology, superior image quality.
- High cost-effective.
Mini Linear Handheld Ultrasound Scanner, SIFULTRAS-3.5 has many benefits from reducing puncture complications to increasing patient satisfaction. This device has helped Doctors and specialists from primary to secondary care to master Joint injections and Musculoskeletal. Thus, providing more accurate needle placement in all the body joints; shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot.
An advantage of Mini Linear Handheld Ultrasound Scanner, SIFULTRAS-3.5 guided procedures is the control of the needle insertion path and, if needed, the possibility to modify the needle depth or angle without the risk of damaging adjacent structures.
Linear Handheld WiFi Ultrasound Scanner 10-12-14 MHz, SIFULTRAS-3.5 has decomplicated various procedures such as peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), intraveineous injection (IV), vein finder prior to injection, joint injections and Musculoskeletal. Ultrasound-guided injections allow the practitioner to visualize the needle in real time as it enters the body and traverses to the desired location. This assures that the medication is accurately injected at the intended site.
Despite good intentions, even in the most experienced hands, blind (injections performed without imaging) injections are not 100% accurate and in some joints accuracy is as low as 30%-40%. With ultrasound guidance the accuracy of nearly every joint injection exceeds 90% and approaches 100% in many. Moreover, the device has a platform that is heavily software-based.