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Veterinary intraoral radiography system SignalSMILE®

veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
veterinary intraoral radiography system
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veterinary intraoral radiography system


Real-time test panels for most common pathologies on companion animal dental x-rays Within minutes, our advanced machine learning detects the most common pathologies on companion animal dental x-rays, helping vets provide faster intervention, lowering the cost of quality care, and enhancing patient outcomes. Help your veterinary team provide faster intervention, less expensive care, and enhanced patient outcomes during dental procedures. Nearly 8 out of 10 dogs and cats seen by veterinarians need dental care, yet a much smaller percentage receive it. And because at least 60% of a patient's tooth lies below the gum line, intraoral radiographs are essential to proper evaluation and treatment of dental disease. SignalSMILE is an advanced technology solution that’s ushering in a new wave of AI-powered dentistry in veterinary medicine. Within minutes, our advanced machine learning detects the most common pathologies on companion animal dental x-rays, helping vets to provide faster intervention, less expensive care, and enhanced patient outcomes. SignalSMILE's patented veterinary AI technology uses machine learning to assess companion animal dental radiographs in real time for normals and abnormals to aid practitioners in the diagnostic process. Our patented AI detects normals and abnormals for the 5 most common dental pathologies and aids point-of-care decision-making.


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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.