The armless medical pendant is a fixed
overhead pendant designed for intensive
medical care. It features a rotational
service unit and serves as an
auxiliary pendant in operating theatres.
This single console is directly connected
to the ceiling and is particularly suitable
for use in small rooms, allowing easy
access to medical equipment at the
point of care.
With its modular design and high
load capacity this fixed unit can carry
a variety of instruments for the
ICU and operating rooms.
Easy rotation & positioning.
Cable management - the neat and
organized cables and their hanging
system from the ceiling.
prevent hospital-acquired infection.
Frictional brakes in the bearing
assembly prevent inadvertent creeping
Bearings are maintenance-free.
All accessories are detachable
and interchangeable.
Maximum access around the patient.
The service head provides
optional docking facilities to various
carts carrying instruments.
The service head provides electric
sockets, medical gas outlets, gauges,
equipotential pins, connectors for
data transfer, video recording
telephone, intercom, nurse call
& code blue.
The service head has mounting slides
on four sides for various accessories:
Shelves size 550x500 may be
front, sides, or back mounted.
Drawers under the shelf are available.
Stainless steel IVF poles with
height-adjustable slow descending mechanism.
3 hook rods may be attached to the service head.
Height-adjustable hanging rails may be
mounted on the poles of the service
head to carry oxygen and vacuum therapy equipment.
An endoscopic equipment holder can
be added and clamped to a rail on
the side of the service head.