The Silbermann Advanced Area Alarm
System displays digitally and graphically
on a colorful 12” touch screen the
medical gas information from the
manifold systems.
This Xanadu touchscreen model uses
Hi security technology that protects
The information displayed and
transmitted, from malicious attacks.
The Xanadu Area Alarm System complies
with the NFPA99, EN ISO 7396-1, and HTM02-01.
■ LCD 12” touch screen display.
■ Display of 1-10 gas alarms on screen.
■ Secured Ethernet-based network
communication between all units.
■ Unique secured authentication of
each unit to avoid fake/masking of alarms.
■ Remote viewing through a remote computer.
■ Remote monitoring (Via TCP/IP Modbus) through
a building management system is available.
■ Gas-specific sensor with DISS nut and
nipple to avoid mechanical cross-connection.
■ For Future Use- disables a gas alarm
until the gas pipeline infrastructure is complete.
■ Multi-linguistic- Available in English, Spanish,
Russian, Arabic & Chinese.
■ Commissioning- Enables to identify of gas leaks
before commission.
■ Self-diagnostics with error display for
problem identification.
■ Event logging, recording all alarms and
panel activities.
■ Periodical maintenance alert.
■ Wifi communication is available.