The Single OSA (Overhead Suspension Arms) System With Built-in LED Treatment LED Lamp for ICU & Trauma is designed for optimal integration between Medical examination lighting and OSA's.
These two practices combined into one system enable optimal positioning of the two systems, providing doctors with a complete clinical view and allowing easy access to medical equipment at the point of care.
■ An integrated treatment lamp centrally mounted through the arm.
■ Light technology: Led
■ Intesity: 100klux
■ High maneuverability of 3600
■ Cost-effective design that avoids the need for separate lamp ceiling mounting.
■ Easy moving & positioning that quickly adapts to changing situations, Especially in Emergencies.
■ Cable management - the neat and organized cables and their hanging system from the ceiling to prevent hospital-acquired infection.
■ Locked position-brake handles that can be individually adapted to specific work processes.
The pneumatic brake control is installed on the service head via two buttons.
These pneumatic or mechanical brakes enable the control of the main bearing break and the intermediate bearing break There’s an option to add a pneumatic service head rotation brake.
■ The ball bearings are maintenance-free.
■ All accessories are detachable and interchangeable.
The service head has mounting slides
on four sides for various accessories:
Shelves size 550x500 may be front, sides, or back mounted.
Drawers under the shelf are available.
Stainless steel IVF poles with a height-adjustable slow descending mechanism. 3 hook rods may be attached to the service head.